Cold weather - Warmy sweater

Good afternoon dear blog readers from around the world 

Since is coming every single day a cold weather it's time to unpack the warmy clothing and to pack summery clothing for the upcoming season...
It's starting the season of layering blouses with shirts & sweaters and season of wearing sweaters and coats ....

I love this little bit of cold season, I know it's sounds stupid but I adore when in autumn are falling leaves from the  trees in  mustard yellow color, brown and some trees red  color leaves - wich I LOOOVEE ....
Autumn marks the transition from summer into winter in September(Northern Hemisphere) or March (Southern Hemisphere) when the arrival of night becomes noticeably earlier. One of it's main features is the shedding of leaves from some trees as they pave way for further growth.

So I get inspired from the chilly time (here where I live) to wear more warmy clothes like coats, high &low boots and sweaters of course ...

I hope you'll enjoy from my today's post ....

I hope you'll liked it ...

I need more inspirations and ideas please leave an comment down below....
I wish you lot of luck everything the best and stay safe and sound ...

This is my project wich I made for my hands ..... 


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