Cookie with cocoa powder + grapes

Hellooo my dear readers !!! I know, I've started with recipe but I can't do anything because cooking & baking is my second passion beyond Fashion ... But soon in my blog I'll post more about fashion advice, styling, how to pair one piece of clothes many times, advice and tips for your skin face and body and many other things..... Because every morning when I woke up I get inspired by something.... maybe today I'll think something for next blog post .... Down below I'll be showing you a recipe for a little easy cooki with cocoa powder witch is so easy to do all you gonna need is the ingredients witch everyone from us has at her kitchen basic ingridients, and you gonna need an electric mixter and thats all you should need only the Passion for cooking & baking and nothing else matters .... I hope you'll enjoy, for more informations about recipe ( or something elese) you can contact me on my email ( you can s...