New upcomming palette of colors for this Fall 2013

Hello out there my lovely readers !!!!

Walking around on the internet I found a pictures from Pantone with palette of colors there are upcomming for this Fall 2013 .... And When I saw it I loved it so much.... 
The colors are bold and also gentle are great for this Fall...
I can't wait to style and to try something new to mix&match with those colors.... If I have a time sometime maybe I'll post an outfit of the day , or maybe something else .... I just need inspiration from somewhere and idea for something that's all ...

I hope you had a great weekend far this way, and I hope you'll have a great day&night...

I wish you luck and everything the best to everyone.... 

P.S. The next time if you want to visit my blog, pls leave a comment and leave your blog so I will visit your blog next time ..... Love you so much and Thank you for visiting....  ^_^ xoxo



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